Tuesday 22 March 2011

Club Penguin Field Op #37 Walkthrough!

Hey, Check Out The New Field Op!

When You Complete Your Field Ops You Will Receive This Message From G!

Now You Completed The New Field Ops!

Club Penguin Silliest Start Screen EVER!

Hey Guys, Check Out The New Wacky Start Up Screen!

Lol, Very Funny CP

Sunday 20 March 2011

New Message From Protobot!

Hey Guys, I Was Waddling In CP And I Noticed That I Received A New Message From Protobot
Protobot Said: Attention EPF. As of now. I am jamming all communication frequencies. Without it, your destruction is assured.
What Do You Think Of This? Let Me Know By Commenting!

Saturday 19 March 2011

New Mascots Coming Soon!

Hey Guys! Check Out The Exclusive That My Friend Sent To Me
As You See Its Penguin Trainor And Rory They Are Not The Really "new" Ones But Check This Crab Out!
This Is The Sneak Peek That I Told You About In The EPF Message! So What Do You Think Of This

Club Penguin New Message From G!

Hey Guys! There's New Message From G! Check It Out!

Well, We Have More Crabs Here's A Sneak Peek Of The Crab
What Do You Think? Is That Klutzy's Dad Or Grandpa 
Let Me Know By Commenting!

Friday 18 March 2011

March Parent Update

Cp Has Sent Out A New Parent Update. This Is What It Has In It

Pet Adoption

To Help Them Find The Puffle That's Just Right For Them Your Child Can Take The Adoption Quiz Located At The Newely Renovated Pet Shop. Each Time They Adopt A New Puffle They Will Recive And Adoption Certificate! Find Out If They Have Any Puffles, Whats Their Names Are And How Do They Play With Them.
Caring For Pets

Inside The Pet Shop, Your Child Can Adopt Puffles, Buy Them Food And Toys, And Play Our New Game Puffle Launch. Just Like Real Pets, Puffles Need Special Care And Attention. To Ensure They Are Healthy, Happy, Your Child Should Play With Them Regulary. If Not Your Puffle Should Return To Thier Natural Habitat.
Sneak Peek

Earth Day In Club Penguin Will Support Wildlife Initiatives, Whic Protect The African Painted Dog And The Snow Leopard. Here's A Sneak Peek Of Whats In Store Of This Party

Reviewed By You: Arcade Game!

Hey Guys! Last Week CP Asked What Games We Like To Play With Our Puffles? And Yello Pengi8 Said: I Have A Suggestion For All The Puffles Out There Who Cannot Play Games With Their Owners. Orange Puffles Must Play Pizzatron 3000 Because They Love Food So Much, They Also Could Put Toppings On When You Work In The Pizzas Too. Brown Puffles Should Play Hydro Hopper And They Could Help You Jump Higher With Gadgets And You May Even Able You Jump Over The Buoys! White Puffles Should Play Sled Racing Beacuse They Love Snow! They Could Make Ice With Its Breath And You Could Go Faster Cause Of Ice. Blue Puffles Should Play Ice Fishing And It Could Wear A Little Fishing Hat And It Can Help You Get Extra Fish
So For Next Week's Reviewed By You Club Penguin Club Penguin Wants To Know "If You An Invent Of A New Game, What Would It Be?
Oh I Forgot! There Is A New Game Coming Up Next Week And Dance Lounge Will Be Updated Here Is A Sneak Peek

New Puffle Postcards!

Hey Guys! Cp Have Released New Postcards Check It Out

Which One Do You Like Best?
Let Us Know By Commenting!

Club Penguin New News Paper Issue #287

Hiya Penguins! The New Newspaper Is Here!

Looks Like We're Gonna Have An Earlier April Fool Party Cause Of Rookie, Well Thanks Rookie!
Sounds Like Herbet Is Involved In Thus Mess!
What Do You Think Could Be In This Rooms?
Let Me Know By Commenting!
Also The New April Fool Cloth Will Be Here At 1.st April
Here Are The Upcoming Events
Thats All For Now!
Until Then Waddle On CP!

Club Penguin Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy & Gamma Girl Returns To Stage!

Hey Guys!
Club Penguin Has Returned Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy To The Stage!
1- Go On Club Penguin
2- Go To The Plaza 
3- Go To The Stage
Whoa! Theres No Cheats In The Costume Trunk!